Thursday, January 3, 2013


Well hello again friends. I have made it my mission in 2013 to keep up with my blog and really hammer down a routine, and stick to it! I love doing this, but a lot of things through October-December kept me very busy. I think I've found my bearings through the busyness and I'm ready to take another shot. This means preparing, planning, and really setting time aside to focus on this which will be tough for me, but I'm excited about it and the adventures that 2013 will bring. Graduating school, taking boards (& passing, fingers crossed!), a big move to Ohio to be closer to my beau, and hopefully finding a steady job there doing what I love! So cheers, everybody to the fresh start of Phalangenista. :)

I know what you're really thinking about this post...classy Christmas card Gatenby's. Nailed it.